Woman Gave Man Claiming To Be a Soldier $25k After Meeting On a Dating App

Photo: AFP via Getty Images

These scams still happen. A woman in Florida was taken, both emotionally and financially, after meeting a man who claimed to be a veteran for nearly $25,000. Susan Rizzo, from Fort Lauderdale, said she sent the money because she thought she was "developing a connection" with a man who claimed to be Nicholas Edwards on Plenty of Fish. "For somebody else to get taken like this emotionally and financially, it's embarrassing. It's hurtful," Rizzo said. 

Edwards sent a message saying "In the eyes of anybody else, this would be an imminent death of me. I'll email you right away with my promissory note which will equally hold us bonded until I am home in your arms," saying that he will pay her back the $25,000. Rizzo sent the money but when Edwards asked for another $3,000 she thought a scam was happening.

Photo: Getty Images

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