ESPN Grilled Over Botched Ending Of Joey Chestnut's World Record

Photo: WireImage

Joey Chestnut is the biggest name in competitive eating and this holiday weekend, he went even further. Chestnut defeated Kobayashi at the 2007 Nathan's Famous Fourth of July Hot Dog Eating Contests to return the Mustard Yellow Belt to the United States. That victory was the start of an unprecedented eight-year run at the top of the Nathan’s Hot Dog World; Chestnut was undefeated at the event he made his own through 2014. He regained the title in the 2016 Championship to earn his ninth title.

Chestnut over the weekend went further than he ever has before and ate 76 hot dogs. The problem, no one watching ESPN's live stream saw it happen. With about a minute to go, the feed cut off.

Photo: Getty Images

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