In early December, a woman outside St Louis, MO got in contact with nursing homes and long term care facilities to inquire about what the residents might need for the holidays. "Socks, sandals, toothbrushes, toothpaste, general hygiene items, etc." were the main list. Erin Cox put this challenge out to her social media platforms and the donations began to pour in. At one of the collection sites, an 80 year-old woman walked up to Cox and said "I have this afghan that I would like to donate. This afghan was made by a dear friend of mine and has brought me so much joy." Cox, emotional from the story, suggested that maybe she should keep the afghan. "No." The woman insisted. "I was just diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer and don't have much time. I'd like to see this go to a senior that can enjoy it as much as I have."
The afghan was sent to Southwestern Virginia where my Mom, Dayl, is now the caretaker.
Photo: Spencer Graves