Dollar Bill and Madison live in Alabaster and have heard about John Ellison's work cleaning up the trash on the side of the roads for the past couple of years and thought he was the perfect example of "doing good" in the community.
So with the help of his family, they surprised John with supplies, water, and a gift certificate to say thanks for all he does! Plus, Dollar Bill & Madison put on gloves and helped him clean up a section of road.
Later that night, John was recognized by the city council for all of his hard work in the city - way to go John!
A big thanks to Aquafina and Buffalo Rock Company for providing the water and for the Alabaster Police for sending an officer out to watch out for our "road crew"!
Know someone, somewhere, or something needing some "Doing Good" done? Dollar Bill & Madison would love to help.
Have something in mind? Nominate below.