Spencer and Megan Are Kicking This to the Curb

What we're doing differently this year.

This year Spencer and Megan are setting some goals and we want you to join in with us. Let's create an idea of the things were adding 'in' and the things were kicking 'out' for the new year.

Megan said her three 'ins' consist of: Improving her physical fitness (Meg has an Army PT test coming up), spending more time unplugging doing things that make her happy, and to travel internationally.

Megan's 'outs': Megan said that the things she wants to work on consist of, practicing patience even when it's hard, avoiding being a 'Yes Man' and being able to set boundaries especially in her life, and lastly continuing to improve on her time blindness.

Spencer said his 'ins' are: Continuing his health journey in getting labs done and keeping up his workouts. Creating meaningful friendships and relationships and to continue not drinking soda.

Spencer's 'outs': Spencer said settling and being complacent is something he is getting rid of, he wants to strive to succeed always. Eating poorly/ fast food is out and getting rid of surface level relationships.

We want to know what you're adding into your life, and what you're kicking to the curb! Let us know!

@itsmeganterry @mrspencergraves @spencergravesshow

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