Spencer Set Meg up on Blind Date After Learning She Resorted to Bumble BFF

Making friends as an adult is hard enough, and being new to town makes it even more difficult.

Last week Spencer tried to help the situation after learning that Megan had signed up for Bumble BFF, a dating app that has a feature to find friends.

Megan went on her friend, blind date that Spencer set up. A girl named Eden called the show and said she would totally be down to hang out with Megan. Even though Megan was kind of nervous to go meet up with a potential friend, especially one that she had never met-she was determined to go and have a great time regardless of what happened.

Her and Eden went to a bar that neither of them had ever been to, that was retro themed.

Megan said that it was a great time, they had a blast and laughed all night.

Meg said it was so refreshing to hang out with a girl friend who had so many similarities with her. They both had feral energy and Megan said she got way to drunk but it was totally worth it.

Michael had to come pick up Megan, and Eden's husband had to come pick her up as well. After lots of fun selfies, and some much-needed girl time Megan is hopeful that this friendship will be long-lasting and she is really glad she went.

Let us know how you made friends in a new place!

@mrspencergraves @itsmeganterry @spencergravesshow

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