Barker Beauty and Contestants Share their Bob Barker Experience

With the passing of Bob Barker we spoke to a previous contestant from The Price is Right.

Todd Michaels was a contestant in 1989 and 2005.

Being on the show was a huge moment for Todd as a lifetime fan.

Todd had a chance to talk to Bob Barker about his life, and they shared stories about growing up in Missouri.

Todd said seeing the TV set in real life was incredible and the experience was great.

John, another contestant on the show actually won the showcase showdown.

John took a receipt of what he won vs what he owed to the show with taxes and other fees. He said after the show they took him to see an in-house accountant where they told him everything he owed. He took $50 of Werther's candy and a hot tub because he owed so much back.

John said the experience was great and surreal. He enjoyed talking to Bob about sports and seeing behind the scenes.

Teri Harrison, a Barker Beauty and formally featured in Playboy spoke with us.

She said the show is really filmed live. She was the 'black sheep' of the group. She said she didn't take crap from anyone and was more of a tom boy, and Bob respected her for that. She said Bob was good to her and took care of her.

She said she was living her best life and she enjoyed getting to know Bob Barker.

Let us know about your favorite memories from watching The Price is Right.

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